Jaro Tapal, a Force-sensitive Lasat male, was a Jedi Master who, during the Clone Wars, served the Galactic Republic with distinction as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Adhering to a firm and disciplined doctrine, Tapal mentored his Padawan, Cal Kestis, in the ways of the Force. In the aftermath of the Bracca Invasion, Tapal and his apprentice were betrayed by their clone troopers of the 13th Battalion during Order 66. Although he was mortally wounded while attempting to escape, his staff lightsaber was damaged and split into two lightsabers from blaster fire. This version is the clean, undamaged version of Jaro Tapals' lightsaber, which Cal Kestis uses later in the video game, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Hilt length: 23.6" or 60cm both hilts connected and 11.8" single hilt
Fallen Order V6
Back to School Sale
XENO3-base lit 12w LED
* Mobile App Capable (Bluetooth)
* Accent Swings
* Smoothswing
* One button configuration
* Programmable SD card reader (Ensure PC has an SD card reader or can read micro-SD card holder as its required for any font changes or adjustment)
* Preprogrammed customizable blade effects
* 16 fonts preinstalled (featuring different sounds and blade effects)
* Change the blade colors by the press of a button (Red, Green, Blue, White, and all colors in between)
* Flash on Clash
* Saber-Lock Sound/Light Effect
* Volume control (No Sound, Low, High)
* Blaster Block
XENO3-pixel 50w pixel blade
* Mobile App Capable (Bluetooth)
* Accent Swings
* Smoothswing
* One button configuration
* Programmable 16gb SD card (Ensure PC has an SD card reader or can read micro-SD card holder as its required for any font changes or adjustment)
* Preprogrammed customizable blade effects
* 11 default blade modes
* 34 fonts preinstalled (featuring different sounds and blade effects)
* Change the blade colors by the press of a button (Red, Green, Blue, White, and all colors in between)
* Flash on Clash
* Saber-Lock Sound/Light Effect
* Volume control (No Sound, Low, High)
* Embeded 16 fonts when SD card not inserted bluetooth firmware upgradable via app or via SD card manually
* Tip drag
* Blaster Block